@echo off
rem Set the PAC script URL
set newURL= ""
reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v AutoConfigURL /t REG_SZ /d %newURL% /f
echo AutoConfigURL has been update to %newURL%.
To access startup folder in win10, press Windows+R and enter "shell:startup"
更改扩展为.bat文件然后放到上述文件夹。和开机时设置proxy script address为等效。
The code starts with "@echo off" which turns off the displaying of commands while they are executed.
The code then sets a variable named "newURL" to the desired PAC script URL. In this case, it is set to "".
The next line uses the "reg add" command to add or modify a registry key value. The key being modified is "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" and the entry being modified is "AutoConfigURL". This is where the new PAC script URL is set.
The "/t REG_SZ" specifies the registry value type as a string type and the "/d %newURL%" specifies the new value as the value of the "newURL" variable created earlier. The "/f" flag is used to force the command to overwrite any existing values.
Finally, the code prints a message saying that the AutoConfigURL has been updated to the new URL. The "pause" command causes the script to pause until the user presses a key, allowing the user to read the message before the program terminates.